Flo Barratt, 2019

Flo studied IB Art at Sevenoaks and married their interest in computing and creative visual expression. Flo became fascinated by the gap between the clearly coded intention of computer language and the eventual product manifestation in the real world. What looks like a vision of perfection on a screen often turns into pixelated abbreviation in real life. In these sculptures, a portrait was developed on the computer into a 3D mesh grid from which Flo made these welded steel structures.  

So much of our lives is now spent on screens that it mediates the way we see reality and helps us to construct a new reality according to the confines of a digital imagination.  The heads here on the campus are emblems of this threaded relationship between humanity and a mechanised, digitised, version of a portrait.  But far from being a critique of this new departure in human consciousness, they are a celebration of a new type of human.

Flo went on to study computer game design.